Subjects and descriptions

The PPGCOM is structured in a way so that it offers a group of subjects common for both Master's and Doctorate levels, another group exclusively for each level, and a set of subjects to serve as a reference for each research line.

The subjects in the first group foster deep and critical knowledge on Communication Theory, as well as other necessary theoretical-methodological contributions to research planning and execution for both Master's and Doctorate levels.

The second subject group focuses on particular issues within each graduate level, fostering a theoretical-methodological program related to its focus area.

Curricular structure
The UFMG Masters Course in Social Communication will have a minimum duration of 12 (twelve) months and a maximum of 24 (twenty-four) months. The activities of the Master of Social Communication course will be organized through two phases of work:

1st phase: two semesters, aimed at meeting credit requirements and completing the research project;
2nd phase: up to two semesters, for the development of the research project, preparation and presentation of the dissertation.

The Doctorate in Social Communication of UFMG will have a minimum duration of 24 (twenty-four) months and a maximum of 48 (forty-eight) months. Doctoral activities will be organized through two phases of work:
1st phase: two semesters, aimed at fulfilling the credit requirements and preparing the final thesis project;
2nd phase: up to six semesters, intended for research, preparation and defense of the thesis.

The formative trajectory is structured in three thematic nuclei, each one housing a specific set of disciplines and didactic activities:
1) Structural concepts and theoretical perspectives, corresponding to the subjects of compulsory education;
2) Methodological training, contemplating the diversity of approaches used in the program, of optional nature;
3) Conceptual and / or analytical studies, which promote the articulation between concepts and theoretical perspectives, methodologies and / or critical apprehension of specific phenomena, of complementary nature.

Compliance with credit requirements in each course (Master and Doctorate) includes Compulsory Communication Formation and Complementary Communication Formation subjects.
Each discipline/course will have a value expressed in credits, corresponding to 1 (one) credit for 15 (fifteen) hours of class, theoretical or practical.

To qualify for the Master's degree, the student must complete a minimum of twenty (20) credits. To qualify for the Doctoral degree, the student must complete a minimum of 16 (sixteen) credits. Among the twenty (20) credits to be attended during the Master, the students must fulfill ten (10) credits as a Compulsory Education, and at least six (6) credits must be from the Basic Education courses (compulsory subjects).

Among the sixteen (16) credits to be taken in the Doctorate, at least six (06) credits must come from Basic Line Training subjects (compulsory subjects). For each Master and Doctorate class, the PPGCOM Research Lines and the Collegiate shall define, according to the disciplines foreseen in the Curriculum Proposal, which will be the offers, according to previous planning. From the set of subjects of Basic Education, will be offered each semester at least two (02) for the Master (a minimum of 6 credits) and one (01) specifically for the Doctorate (a minimum of 2 credits).

Student achievement will be expressed in grades and concepts according to the following scale:
From 90 to 100 - A
From 80 to 89 - B
From 70 to 79 - C
From 60 to 69 - D
From 40 to 59 - E
From 0 to 39 - F

To obtain the Master's Degree, the student must, observing the minimum period of 12 (twelve) months and the maximum established in the Course Regulations, meet the following requirements:
I - complete, in Postgraduate academic activities, the minimum number of 20 credits required in these Regulations;
II - pass the Qualification Exam;
III - pass a foreign language exam, conducted in accordance with the relevant Resolution, or prove proficiency;
IV - be approved in the defense of dissertation or equivalent work, demonstrating the ability to systematize and master both the topic and the relevant methodology, as defined in these Regulations;
V - present to the Course Collegiate, within the time determined by its members, the final version of the dissertation or equivalent work, in accordance with the instructions of the Examining Committee.

To obtain the Doctorate/PhD Diploma, the student must, observing the minimum period of 24 (twenty-four) months and the maximum established in the Course Regulations, meet the following requirements:
I - to complete in postgraduate academic activities the minimum number of 16 credits required in these Regulations;
II - pass the Qualification Exam;
III - pass foreign language examinations, conducted in accordance with the relevant Resolution, or prove proficiency;
IV - be approved in the defense of the thesis, resulting from planning and conducting necessarily original research, as defined in these Regulations;
V - present to the Course Collegiate, within the time determined by its members, the final version of the thesis or equivalent work, in accordance with the instructions of the Examining Committee.

PPGCOM Research Lines and the Collegiate have the opportunity to constantly review pedagogical planning to make it more attractive and sophisticated in the face of training and research demands. In this sense, each year the offer of disciplines and didactic activities will be planned at the end of the selection process for the master and doctorate, contemplating the specificities of the classes in formation.

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (FAFICH)
Secretaria do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Campus Pampulha - Sala 4234 - 4º Andar - CEP: 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte/MG
CONTATO: (31) 3409-5072 / E-mail: