General goal: To stimulate the investigation of the relational dimension of communication, its interlocution processes and interfaces with social life, giving special emphasis to the interactive dimension of communication, through its material, symbolic, and social components.
Specific goals
a) To consider the global character of the communicative process, stimulating researches, which problematize the interfaces between socio-technical and aesthetic means of the communication devices, products, and interaction processes.
b) To investigate the communicative processes per the experience of the individual and that of the collective, in the formation of social relations and the configuration of contemporary social life.
c) To emphasize the conditions for the production and interpretation of symbolic media forms, the establishment of communication networks and circuits, as well as the socio-historical and cultural rootedness of meaning-negotiation practices among social subjects.
d) To explore the meanings produced from interfaces among techniques, users, and enunciative resources of different media, characterizing media devices, the constitution of audiovisual and multimedia products, as well as intersemiotic processes.
e) To deepen professional and academic knowledge, and enable the development of Social Communication-specific research skills.